Dear 19 year old me, Sincerely future me

I recently looked up my old Livejournal entries (no, you cannot have my user name) after a conversation with some of my favourite people got into discussing our lives during the whole Livejournal era. I was only about 19 when I first starting posting. I'm now 35. I might have a few things to tell myself that I wish I would have known. Hey, why not? It would be equal parts cringe & hilarious, yet insightful to look at our past selves through new lenses.  Let me tell you, I did NOT disappoint myself. Some of the major event posts spanning from 19 to my mid…

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Wig’d Out Trailer

Edited this feature film trailer with the fantastic Kylee Pena in both Premiere Pro/AE. Rampant Designs FX.   Hair flies in the life of teenage Olivia, who is totally bald due to the medical condition alopecia. Olivia works at the hair salon that is owned by her ex-beauty queen mom, after school and on Saturdays. Olivia's challenge is not her hair loss, but the relationship with her mother. Flora wants Olivia to wear wigs and compete in pageants, as she did. But Olivia has other plans. She wants to skateboard and attract the attention of Chad, the assistant manager of Skaterz Skateboard Shop. Olivia has…

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LA Adventures with Kylee ^.^

Right in time for Halloween weekend, I managed to get myself packed up, OFF work, pets somehow handled (huge thanks to Lauren & Evan), readied for a full day of traveling and /mischief managed - all in prep to fly out to California to visit the Amazing Kylee in LA (Note: I feel like I can refer to Kylee like a magician, now. That's all the title she needs hah) For some time now, we'd been wanting to get together and hang out, and she generously invited me to come stay with her. I thought once she moved coasts that it would be really hard to align…

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Alex Buono’s Visual Storytelling 2 Workshop

On the first day of September, I woke up at a quite 'lovely' early hour to get ready to attend a workshop out in Charlotte about production and lighting, hosted by SNL's Alex Buono called Visual Storytelling 2. It was a humid, foggy morning, and since it's a bit of a drive from Winston Salem, I needed to wake up extra early to meet up. I went with three other coworkers, and we all piled in a car to head out. Much Queen music was heard (and even sleepily sung along to via inability to NOT sing along to Queen songs), a caffeine and cold medicine pillaging of Sheetz…

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Spirit Week

How do we show our spirit at Mullen Lowe Winston-Salem? With a shot-for-shot remake of a scene from The Breakfast Club, of course. (watch the original scene: Starring role as The Basketcase (Ally Sheedy's character) but in spirit week terms, I'm Pajama Day as a giraffe.

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My First NAB Adventure!

Yes, I'm a part of the NAB Show virgins. Well... I mean to say, I was! There's many great articles already out there about being new to NAB and for surviving it with grace and sanity. That's not exactly what I'll be writing about, or rather, not specifically. I just want to share with all of you about my experiences while there, perhaps you'll learn something new or at least be entertained reading. For people who couldn't make it, I feel your feels. I know. And to give a glimpse through my eyes, I tried to Periscope (the new broadcast live app) my exploring of…

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31 Days of Spooky Movies

I love Halloween. It's probably been one of my favourite holidays since I can remember. I enjoy dressing up, going to haunted houses, sitting around fires roasting s'mores and listening to scary stories. I will preface all this by mentioning I haven't ever quite made it through actually watching 31 scary movies during October, and I can be a bit of a scaredy-cat, depending what the movie is about. I do enjoy psychological thrillers most of all, but I'm taking suggestions and trying to broaden my scare range. My goal is to watch at least 1 scary/halloween/fun/spooky themed movie each night this month, but on…

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