Author: katie toomey

Resolutions: A Glimpse Into the Past (2010)

I'm not speaking about the type of resolutions where you quit smoking, lose weight, stop eating junk food, etc. however good those may be. Nay, I'm speaking about the resolutions I made to myself the beginning of 2010 of goals and things I wanted to do for my video related interests. While I don't have a physical list of this because I just sort of mentally made it and now I shall rattle them off as I think of them. 2010 Resolutions Participate in a contest/festival - Check 48 Hour Film Festival came to Indianapolis in August 2010. Our 48 hour film was a bigger…

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Times flies…

Oh my! I intended to keep this updated at least once a week, but December has not been my friend as of late. However, I shall move past my little break in posts to talk about a few upcoming things! Firstly, via my video cohort & friend Kylee Wall, we discovered our little group Pants Cannon Media was featured in the Informatics IUPUI Fall 2010 Magazine as seen here: What's funny about all this is we had no idea we were even in the magazine. Wish they would have included a picture or maybe not separated the names with…

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After Effects Snowglobe Tutorial

On Kylee's recommendation, I'm going to make a cute Holiday greeting using Adobe CS After Effects (I have both CS3, CS4, & CS5 on my computer, but I'm going with CS5 here) and some magic. I kid, with some hard work and luck I'll put together a snowglobe with snow. First, I visited a tutorial located on the best of the best CreativeCow by Rob Mize. It's a video tutorial, which should make following along a bit easier. I'm very excited to try this out, and I need to seriously warm up/brush up on my AE skills as it's been a little while since I cracked…

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Phillip Bloom-esque Videos

If you don't know who that is, let me enlighten you. Phillip Bloom is a DP, Director, & Filmmaker. You can find him on Twitter as well. He's all around pretty awesome when you check out his blog, his gear store, etc. I was talking to my video cohort Kylee when she suggested we try to shoot something around Indy in his style. There's really no good way to define his style without sounding like a complete babbling idiot or missing something. Rather, I'll link you a video to watch so you can get a feel for it. There's something I really love about his…

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Hello there! I modestly introduce myself, Katie Toomey, as a video editor in the little land known as Indianapolis, IN. Please see my About Me page to get acquainted. You are welcome to add me via social network sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. and don't forget to check out my Portfolio! I'm going to be writing about video related interests, experiences, news in the video world, or tutorials I try out. I hope you will find it interesting and offer any advice or comments as you come across my posts. To start today off, I've really been wondering about the job market for video…

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