If you don’t know who that is, let me enlighten you.
Phillip Bloom is a DP, Director, & Filmmaker. You can find him on Twitter as well. He’s all around pretty awesome when you check out his blog, his gear store, etc. I was talking to my video cohort Kylee when she suggested we try to shoot something around Indy in his style. There’s really no good way to define his style without sounding like a complete babbling idiot or missing something. Rather, I’ll link you a video to watch so you can get a feel for it.
There’s something I really love about his style. I love how at any point, you can stop the video and it’s like a magnificent still shot. The way he tells a story so candidly, a bit like a documentary in fact. You don’t have to be a filmmaker to really appreciate the subtle movements of the camera and effects such as time-lapse. There’s certain moments captured, like the older grandfather holding a child and smiling and pointing at something in the sky, or a dog trotting through the sand slowed down, that it appears almost surreal.
Time-lapse. I must say it’s one of my favorite techniques. How cool does a sky go rolling by with clouds from sunrise to sunset, or say like the project I did for college video class, where we let an ice cube melt over time, then reversed it so the ice cube appears to be sucking itself back into the cube from liquid form. Paired with a cliche but well suited techno track, I really enjoyed that technique. I see it all the time on TV shows or movies as well.
Some time in late December 2010 this month or January 2011, I expect we’ll be roaming about in the cold and snow to catch some shots around Indy. I really can’t wait. It’s been a bit since my last video project, which was of a friend of a friend’s wedding.
I can already go through my own “movie” aka: in my mind, and think of various places to shoot at. The Monument Circle all lit up, the statues with spotlights shadowing nooks and crannies, the Canals downtown (albeit the water may be half-frozen or such), the bare trees of Military Park, the night traffic coming through IUPUI, someone waiting for a taxi outside a restaurant, and the night life of downtown Indy near Circle Center Mall, and perhaps the street entertainers or the old lady who always is selling roses for loved ones to give to one another…etc.
So, going to end this post short tonight as it’s snowing like crazy and I have a stuffed crust pizza calling my name! Stay warm, and thanks for reading!