Oh my! I intended to keep this updated at least once a week, but December has not been my friend as of late. However, I shall move past my little break in posts to talk about a few upcoming things! Firstly, via my video cohort & friend Kylee Wall, we discovered our little group Pants Cannon Media was featured in the Informatics IUPUI Fall 2010 Magazine as seen here:
What’s funny about all this is we had no idea we were even in the magazine. Wish they would have included a picture or maybe not separated the names with some giant ad. Oh well, I guess we’re “moving up” in the world.
Also, we entered it in the Dam Short Film Festival, coming up on January 1st, 2011 we shall find out if we made it in the top ten! If we did, it’s fly to Nevada? I kid. But atleast our video will get some recognition. That would be exciting. Also, just now, the video was edited down to 3 minutes and thus entered in the 3Fest around February 2011 down in South Bend, IN. I like the idea it’s local and featuring 3 minute shorts. Very fun! Hope we receive some recognition. Recently, I’ve come across some contests and random things I’ve thought of doing, but nothing to fruition, but I love having things “in the works”. I can’t wait for the new year. In fact, here coming up I’m going to post about my past resolutions I fulfilled and then my new ones for 2011. Woohoo! Alas, work is calling and so is my coffee!