I’m not speaking about the type of resolutions where you quit smoking, lose weight, stop eating junk food, etc. however good those may be. Nay, I’m speaking about the resolutions I made to myself the beginning of 2010 of goals and things I wanted to do for my video related interests. While I don’t have a physical list of this because I just sort of mentally made it and now I shall rattle them off as I think of them.
2010 Resolutions
Participate in a contest/festival – Check
48 Hour Film Festival came to Indianapolis in August 2010. Our 48 hour film was a bigger success than I could have hoped. Going into it, I had no idea what to expect. I think I expected the unexpected, chaos, running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and the typical “hurry up and wait” that is production. I am very proud of Cooper O’Brien & The Magical Moustache, and those involved including Kylee Wall, Aaron Whiteford, Jeremiah Nickerson, and Joshua Fike as well as Landes Costumes by Rachel (starring Rachel herself as the ticket attendant), the makeup/hairstylist help, and our amazing actors and actresses. Everyone pulled together and made it happen!
Be involved in a local film set – Check
“Leah, Not Leia” was an interesting and insightful experience that Kylee Wall & I did as Production Assistants this past summer. I did everything from hurry downtown in rush hour to get a camera backup battery to setting up/tearing down equipment (/flex) or using the clapper & calling out shot info to holding up reflectors or directing the cast where to get setup. It was overall amazing. I’m very grateful to have been given a ‘taste’ of a real production company set with an actual budget, and it was nice to be a part of something local. I remember back when we interviewed for the position, I didn’t really know where it was going to go or what would happen. By the last day, I was feeling pretty wonderful to be the person ‘behind the scene’ just doing whatever I could to help make things smoother. The biggest day was the pool party scene where my pale Irish skin endured the sweltering heat and relentless sun in order to get the shots done! It was a fun day on the set.
Do More Side Projects – Check
Several weddings occurred this year that I helped film and/or edit.
Learn More Tutorials – Check
This year, I learned some new techniques I can use towards filming and editing. The most recent being the Snowglobe tutorial in After Effects, but really this spans across the board.
Really, I’m sure there’s more my brain isn’t cooperating to think about…so I guess I’ll leave this post open to add in more as I remember, OH YEAH, I did *insert whatever*.